Fall off the bone Whisky Habanero BBQ Ribs - HustleSauce

Fall off the bone Whisky Habanero BBQ Ribs

- 2 racks of pork spare ribs
- Salt
- Pepper
- BBQ Sauce
- Whiskey Habanero hot sauce
1. Prepare the ribs by removing any excess fat and membrane on the bone side of the ribs.
2. Season the ribs generously with salt and pepper.
3. Preheat the grill to 250°F.
4. Place the ribs on the grill, bone side down, and close the lid.
5. Cook the ribs for 3 hours, occasionally checking on them and adding more charcoal or wood chips for smoke as needed.
6. After 3 hours of cooking, brush the ribs with your favorite BBQ sauce.
7. Close the lid and cook for another 30 minutes.
8. Remove the ribs from the grill and let them rest for 10 minutes.
9. Cut the ribs into serving-size pieces and brush with the whiskey habanero hot sauce.
10. Serve and enjoy your delicious fall-of-the-bone ribs finished with whiskey habanero hot sauce.
Note: The cooking time may vary depending on your grill and heat source, so it's best to use a meat thermometer to ensure the internal temperature of the ribs reaches 145°F before removing them from the grill.
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